Thursday, October 9, 2014

My finished pattern project

Pattern Project

Here is my finished pattern set- I went for a color scheme that could be associated with Autumn. I used the Opacity tool to get a lot more mileage out of the color tones (I included black exclusively for this purpose) and depth effects. I love robots- if you know me well you know it's something I draw up all the time. That said, carrying that over into both Illustrator and a pattern no less proved challenging.

All of the icons I created proved tricky to make into patterns, so regrettably I wound up whittling my way down to the one robotic skull, mixing up it's colors. I made some secondaries besides the spinal columns, but they proved to clutter the patterns too much. That said, I am happy with how both turned out- I am feeling much more confident with using Illustrator.

I think my last concern is that for whatever reason, most of my stuff on Illustrator keeps showing up low-res. Even just taking WIP screenshots with the Mac has them show up a horrible mess (which is why I don't have any WIPs to show this time around) and I'm finding this sudden and incredibly frustrating. I hope to get to the bottom of this and when I do I will be replacing this Flickr with a significantly higher res quality image.


  1. I think your second pattern, "Think Tank", works better than the first, because of the amount of contrast. The first is a bit to loud and the shapes can kind of get lost in the color. Think Tank looks like it should belong on boys swimwear or something.

  2. Your color scheme is spot on. It feels like your pattern has a lot of depth, especially with all the fine details and contrasting colors. I think your second pattern is more successful because it has a little more breathing room and seems less hectic, especially when it's blown up. I would love to see a print out of the tink tank pattern.

  3. the color schemes in these are perfect. I definitely get a fall feel (even though it has nothing really to do with your subject) which is really impressive. I think your second pattern is a little stronger than the first, just because it's so dynamic.

  4. super cool. i love the gear pattern. really unexpected colors for this but it looks great. good job!

  5. The complexity and depth of these patterns are really amazing! I really love your choice of the color palette. I think its great that even though your complex icons didn't work in the beginning, you were able to simplify them so that were work well efficiently. Nice work!

  6. I adore your color scheme, that yellow on the far left of the swatches is one of my favorite colors. I think it's great how you really made these your own, and I know if I was a kid and these were on some packaging I would be immediately drawn to it. I think the gear pattern on the more condensed square becomes a little repetitive and jarring, but in the larger context it looks great

  7. Nice color choice! I like the concept of both of them. Super detailed. However, when you shrink them down and put them in a pattern, you get really noticeable dead areas and unintentional shapes. The gears get a strong diagonal track and the heads make a loose 'W' accented by the smaller red head. Not something you can easily fix or see on initial rendering, but something to think about next time you have to make a pattern. Maybe they're too detailed...?

  8. These patterns are really great! The colors are fantastic - they're really vibrant and I think the addition of black on the robot one is awesome - it really makes the colors and the transparencies pop! The gear one is awesome and I could see it as a kids sheet set - which would be great! There is a little bit of striping in the robot head one - with the large yellow head, maybe you could move the top head in the pattern up a little bit more, that way it won't be close enough to the bottom one to make the stripe? See what I mean? I think that'd do it! The rest of the placement of the icons looks great! Really nice work on this one.

  9. Even though you used one icon per pattern, your choice of color is what really makes these fantastic. Your Think Tank pattern is probably my favorite and works well enlarged. There seems to be some tracking on the thumbnail since all the yellow skulls are in a row - try staggering them?
