Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Moon Movie Poster

Moon - Process photo


Moon Movie Poster (Stars)

Moon Movie Poster

I chose the movie Moon (2009), directed by Duncan Jones. Again, I mostly used the pen tool and shape tool to make the shapes and even the title font. I have the same papery texture over the whole poster, but I had to use a lot of clipping masks to get the texture to be different shades of grey over certain shapes. In my process photo I used a screenshot of me making the space helmet shape with the pen tool, because I didn't actually draw out a sketch, I just started working in Illustrator without a specific idea in mind. I uploaded two versions, because I couldn't decide which one I like better.


  1. I really dig the fact that you went in with the pen tool on a astronaut's helmet and used that imagery in your poster! I love the minimalist quality and use of color, and doesn't get lost in the background. In one of your progress shots it looked like you were about to add some stars to your background - if the stars were smaller and more subtle, I think it could add some definition to your piece and pronounce the shape of the astronaut's helmet. I would also knock up the MOON title a few nudges - it's a tad bit too close to the slug.

  2. The texture on the space background works incredibly well and really stops the image of space from feeling dead. It's something I wish I would have done on my own piece in retrospect. I think the first image with the stars is more interesting, I just wish that the white dots were maybe reduced to be less visually distracting.

  3. I really enjoy both renditions of your poster! I believe that both of them work and give off different vibes. The one of with the stars stylizes the poster but I think the minimalist one works the best. I think that in order to make the stars work nicer may be to make them smaller so that they don't direct the attention off of the text and main design. Otherwise your use of type is great and I really enjoy this!

  4. I think I like the version with all the stars in it because it defines the astronaut in the middle better than just solid negative space surrounding them.

  5. I love that you included all of the logos at the bottom as well! The pure black background is definitely my favorite of the two, because the harsh speckled white draws away from the main focus of the composition. Your simple shapes of color remind me of more oldschool movie posters, and even though I've never seen this film before, looking at the pieces kind of gives me flashbacks in time.

  6. I'm digging the final rendition of your poster without the stars, especially the subtle texture you places over the entire poster. I will say that I preferred your earlier take on the title though; the text that you had altered yourself looked very cool in the poster. Seeing as how little space you were working with on the bottom though, I think it was reasonable to go with the font change. All in all a striking poster for a very intense movie.

    Fun fact: This movie was directed by David Bowie's son.

  7. Great movie- great poster! I think out of all the pieces here you got the Minimalist style down the best. I prefer the second because the starless version really gives the viewer that sense of isolation and loneliness (arguably one of the most pertinent aspects of the film) I can't really find much to complain about with this one- you nailed it.

  8. Gotta say, I like the starless version a bit more. Overall the text and slug are very readable and give the piece (along with the background texture) a dated sci-fi paperback feel that I enjoy. The astronaut's silhouette doesn't immediately jump out at me, but I don't know if that takes away from my liking of the piece.

  9. I know we talked about this one a little in class but I really like the simplicity and graphic nature of this design. I think you chose some really powerful imagery and the way you've rendered it makes it look very intentional, clean, and purposeful. I think that without he stars it's a better design. I think that because the stars sort of detract from the stark shapes. The title font is nice as well - feels kind of vintage, but also makes a lot of sense with the large shapes you've used to make up the rest of the piece. I think the top piece of text might be off center - maybe you could use a rule to see if it's off? It looks like it's to the left a little of the Moon title. Great job. This is really nice.
