Thursday, November 6, 2014


Process screen shots: Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 1.10.54 PM
Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 5.39.56 PM

Final: photobash

I really like this process. I didn't spend much time on this one-- I mean not as much as I would have liked to. I definitely could get into doing these though.


  1. This has some really great textures to it, and the colors all blend well. I like what you did as far as playing with the chunky texture in the sky area and on the right side of the piece, but it does feel like it flattens the image a bit. I'd like to see if there was maybe another element to add more depth to this, just a little path or something.

  2. I think the image you ended up with is interesting, and throwing some more washes of color over it and maybe playing with the levels of those rocks would make it more cohesive.

  3. Love the way you played around with it. If you ever went back in there's some exciting things happening between the amount of defined texture in the foreground and the painterly qualities in the background.

  4. The second progress shot has some interesting pixel patches in the middle that make it look more like graphic design work than illustration. The warped colors give it kind of an apocalyptic vibe that I like.

  5. The mountain in the background really looks impressive and I think you did a good job making it creep forward into the picture. It looks very harsh and intimidating- a great setting for an adventure tale. I'd suggest working more on the foreground since I can tell that's still just a photo, but you're doing better than you think.

  6. I think you've got the start of an interesting landscape. I really appreciate the sorta flat-color texture-ness of the second progress shot that I wish carried over to the final product. Other than that, its really cool!

  7. Great work! Your brushwork throughout the piece makes for a really nice hyperrealistic painting quality. I would love to see this same quality in the rocks - they're oddly sharp in comparison to the mountains and bring it out to the foreground.

  8. I think you get the grasp of the concept, though! I think that even though you didn't spend a lot of time on it, the idea was to try and create a different composition with the way that you use the images, and then paint over it so it is much more of an illustration than a photo, which I think you did. I think that in the future you could incorporate more photos so that you can shake up the larger areas a bit so the textures are a bit more varied, and maybe consider playing around with some value shifts that take it further away from the original - you start to do it, just keep going!
